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Thursday 20 February 2014

Thrillerwork - Editing Evaluation - Organisation and Discarding the Shots

We used the editing software 'Final Cut Pro'

When we began editing our thriller we firstly started to organize our 114 shots into different folders. We didn't have many problems with that, because we shot our thriller chronologically and the shots were numbered in the order we shot them. However, because of the high number of different shots it was still difficult to divide them into different folders still being in the right row. Furthermore the system had to be clear so that we all understood it. 

After we had done that we watched all the shots and labeled those, which we thought might be suitable, orange and those, we thought are perfect, red. The process of choosing the shots we wanted to use and discarding those, we didn't want to use, was actually pretty simple. Because we wanted to present our cooking show as a self-made cooking, where the cannibal sets up the camera, presses 'record' and then starts to 'perform' his show, we couldn't use any shots we the camera was moving. So we cut out all the shots were the camera was moving during the action while the cannibal was on screen. Moreover the whole thriller totally depends on the actor's performance, so we unlabeled all the shots, where our lead actor messed up his lines or didn't perform in the high level of energy we wanted him to perform. However, because we often just kept the camera rolling and let him start again. So sometimes on shot contained one quickly messed up performance and one very good performance. We labeled those either orange or red depending on how much we liked the performance.

My role in these two steps was important, because I organized all the shots and then had to explain to my group members how everything was divided. While the organization was more a solo-work, the (un)labeling and discarding of the shots was a complete team task, because we had to decide as a group what shots we wanted to use. Although we most often agreed with each other, sometimes we had discussion about using shots or not, but we simply solved them through labeling both shots as orange for good and tried out both of them later.

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