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Friday 28 February 2014

Thrillerwork -Editing Evaluation - Sound and Comic

The most important thing in our thriller was the humour. So we just added a lot of cut always or kept shots just because there were incredibly funny. This collapsed a bit with our plans of cutting the length of the film down. However the humour had priority and that's why our thriller is 3 min long and not just 2:30
After we finished the picture cut. We had to clean the whole thriller up doing a sound cut. We firstly edited the sound so it would make the cuts and thriller look fluent. However as we wanted to present our thriller as being an amateur production we didn't work a vast accuracy. So for an example the sound pitch of the victim's screaming changes from one shot to the other. This represented the idea of the killer having to change the position of the tripod and the camera to continue his show and in that break the victim's scream pitch changed. 
We also added some sinister, non diegetic background music  to create a serious and thriller like atmosphere.

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