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Thursday 27 March 2014

Thrillerwork - Audience's Feedback

We went around our school and showed people our thriller. Afterwards we asked them for feedback o it. We had 4 basic questions:
1. Did you like our thriller - if yes/no, why?
The general feedback we got for our thriller was quite positive everyone said that they really enjoyed the humour, the acting and the way we shot it. The especially liked the contrast between the light and humorous presentation of Mise-en-scene  and the sinister nature of the events  happening on screen. As this was exactly what we wanted to achieve, we were quite please to hear that.  
2. What didn't you like and could be improved?
Some of the questioned didn't like the amount of violence in it. However we were quite please about that as our primary target audience is older and will be less squeaamish. 
Although the feedback was generally positive we also got some thinks the audience didn't and would change, if they could (but they cant! Muuuuuhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). We initially wanted to use the change of dialogue to present the killer's instable mental state. However the audience did not get that and experienced it more as being confusing.
Furthermore the would have added some effects, such as a 'rec' or 'live' sign in the upper right corner to create a feeling of an amateur video.
3. What do you think would the narratio of the thriller after the opening sequence be?
All said that it would be a kind of psychological crime thriller about a cannibal serial killer, who is not just the villain, but also a bit likeable. This almost exactly  matches our idea.
Furthermore some of them got this feeling of a society of cannibals actually watching the show to learn something about cooking and being a good cannibal. Another, even though not prioritised,  point we wanted to make.
4. Who do you think the target audience is? 
The majority of questioned said that they think the target audience is male and between 20 and 30 years old. This matches almost perfectly with our plans as our primary target audience is between 18 and 30 years old.
As we can from this, we were quite successful in producing our thriller as the audience liked it and almost completely understood what points we wanted to make.

Here are some of the the students we questioned:

Darcy (17 years old)
- loves 'Games of Thrones' and 'Jane Eyre'


Matt Flynn (17 years old)
- likes Death Metal
- enjoys violence and that's why he enjoys watching violent thrillers


Chloe Martin (16 years old)

- likes watching Rom-Coms and Psycho thrillers
- has actually brown hair


Dillon Bauschulte (16 years old)

- german
-produces music
- always has his headphones with him


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