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Thursday 31 October 2013

Thrillerwork - Final Idea Presentation - Feedback

We got a good feedback and our teacher told us that our idea is basically absolutely workable, but some things have to be thought about very carefully. The most important point, which really affects us, is that we can't introduce the killer and the cops. We can just go with one of them. Because we want to create a killer like the Joker in The Dark Knight, whom the audience sympathies with, he explained to us the structure of the movie:
bank robbery - introduction of the Joker
Batman is beating up criminals - introduction of Batman
Batman gets confronted with the Joker and his Games - Batman vs. Joker
Batman beats up the Joker - Batman wins

So we had  to make the decision whether we go with the killer like in The Dark Knight or whether we show the cops beating up or trying to beat up someone like in Miss Congeniality. We made the decision to stay with the killer, because that fits in more in our idea of a black humored thriller with a sympathetic killer.

We also probably won't be able to use the school kitchen and Devon is to far away to film there. So we need to find another kitchen location. I thought about checking out every boarding house and asking some of the day students, whether they have  a kitchen, in which we could film.

Another point is the meat and the organs. Our teacher told us that it is absolutely horrible to film with a heap of stinky meat, but I think if we want to keep the sequence realistic as possible, we will need to get through this. 

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