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Thursday 10 October 2013

Thrillerwork - First Ideas for a Thriller

In the following text I will introduce three different ideas for a thriller and its opening scene.

1.Cooking for Children
-'Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift 
- Hannibal Lecter

The movie is about two police officers hunting a cannibalise serial killer, who take and kills children. Than he make something like a cooking show for TV, in which he teaches different meals you can cook with that children. He loads this cooking shows up to the internet.
The opening scene would be the first cooking-show he makes.

- meat and organs from butcher
- location: kitchen
- just one protagonist


Inspiration: German newspaper article, I read years ago

The film is about a school massacre, that happened years ago in Germany. Different students are telling months (maybe a year or more than that) after the tragedy in an interview what happened in the school. So the audience gets told the whole story from different perspectives and also gets a complete reconstruction of that day. Flashbacks and narrator voices of the students and also shots of the students telling the journalist, whose face the audience never will see (they just will hear his voice and maybe see parts of his body).

In the opening sequence the interviews start (quick cuts to give the audience a little look of the protagonist). It's a short time before first lesson starts. Students are sitting on the tables and talking. Non-diegetic narrative voices. The teacher comes in and the lesson starts. One student, a boy, is late. He is wearing black and is masked. In one hand he's holding a gun. A student makes a joke about his costume and that it isn't Halloween (that actually really did happen in the actual event). The boy raises his arm and points the gun on the student who made the joke. Cut to the title and end of the sequence. 

Note: Breivik and the massacre in Olso?

3.Baader Meinhof Complex
Inspiration: Simon Wood -> Baader Meinhof Complex

The film would be about a group of very radical political activists (like the RAF), who is against capitalism and kidnaps the president of a huge bank.
The opening sequence would be a video message the activist send to the public. It would be presented as found footage filmed.

-location: could be a garage 
-'Reservoir dogs' ear biting    scene

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