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Monday 30 September 2013

Opening sequences

The Shining
In the whole opening sequence we are seeing a car, which is driving along different roads. Through the elliptical editing and the different landscapes, the audience gets the expression of a long journey. The extreme wide shots show us how far the car is away from any civilization and that it's driving further into the nowhere.  That feeling gets also reinforced by the fact, that the car is passing just one other car at all. The non-diegetic and sinister music creates the frighting atmosphere and also introduces the horror genre. It's a quiet common opening, in which the protagonists do a journey to the actual setting of the film. And although we haven't met them yet we know that they are in this car.    

Sexy Beast
The pool, the villa and the high position of it gives the man a rich and high standard. The fact that this guy is about fifty years old, that he wears a golden chain, his to big trunks and that he stays cool when he nearly gets stricken dead by a boulder gives him a something criminal and threatening. The low shots an the high position of his property give him power. He also lives secluded from the other houses further down. He doesn't want to be seen by other people. The music is not serious it's nearly happy, which creates a little contrapuntal meaning, because the man radiate something dangerous. The title "Sexy Beast" in front of a not very sexy picture is quiet ironic and could give us a idea that the movie is quiet ironic and black humored, too.
The cross-cutting to the woman in the car lets us know that there is a connection between them. But we don't know whether he is going to meet him or whether she is responsible for the rock or maybe both.  

Dead Man's Shoes
The use of elliptical editing and a lot of different settings in mise-en-scene creates a the feeling that the two men are doing a long journey. This is a very common opening sequence, in which our protagonists are travelling to the actual setting of the movie.
The bad image quality (granular) of the baby videos tells us that this happens in the past. The editing, in which we see the both babies and the two men, tells us that they're the two brothers from the baby clips.
The use of costume in form of a green bag and boots give us the feeling that the one brother is a soldier.
The use of non-diegetic sound create the feeling that the brothers are thinking about all the memories, they are sharing, it also tells us together with the use of no diegetic dialogue that they have a strong connection.
The opening sequence gives us the strong feeling of a drama.

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