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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Thrillerwork - Evaluation Of Developing The Timeline And The Storyboard

To create the storyboard was a little bit difficult, because we hadn't planned every detail of our thriller and had to discuss quite a few things about the exact order of events and actions and other details of setting, props, etc..
So, for an example, we had to discuss what the killer is going to cook  to plan the shot by shot timeline and the dialogue of the show.
But after we had discussed everything it wasn't that hard to develop the storyboard. Moreover it helped us fundamentally to understand our opening sequence as we know exactly what we want to do and from this base we can easily develop our idea if necessary.
During our development of the storyboard and shot by shot list we have made some slightly changes:
We are now going to add another sequence after the preparation shots and the show. This sequence will also be filmed by the "camcorder" (which we decided will be the Sony NX 5 and not a proper camcorder) and will show the killer feeding his female victim with her own hip on toast.
We decided to use a blond and female victim, because they represent the stereotypical victims in thrillers.   This part of the opening sequence will be the serious part of our opening sequence. We won't use any non-diegetic sound at all in this sequence to create a very strong contrast to the happy mooted background music of the show. This will create an uncomfortably calm atmosphere and an incredible strong tension. (like the first scene in the Hollywood movie "Inglorious Basterds")
We have also given our characters names:
The killer is now called Jeremy Jerad
and the victim is called Sophie Miller 
 but developing our storyboard didn't help us to understand our characters better, because we already had a very clear image of our characters. Especially the way we want to present our killer was very clear from the whole beginning.
The main titles will be shown during the preparing sequence. But there won't be any title in the show and in the feeding scene.

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