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Friday 15 November 2013

Influence on our Thriller - Film Characters

Our killer will be presented , although he is killing and eating humans, very charismatic, sympathy and even funny. So we are looking for serial killers on TV, who are not the stereotypical bad guys like Harlen Maguire in Road to Perdition and not the stereotypical insane guys like the Joker  in The Dark Knight.

Ben, the serial killer from Man Bites Dog, has a big influence on our thriller, because he is not behaving like an evil guyHe is always in a good mood and stays very objective all the time. Our killer will be presented strongly like him in the cooking show

Although our killer doesn't get presented and doesn't presents himself as a very serious or bad guy, he is actually incredibly intelligent, cunning, cruel,sadistic and calm. So another big influence on our thriller has the Character of Hannibal Lecter, who is like our killer a cannibal, because he is very, very smart and always two steps ahead of the police.    

Another big influence on our thriller has Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, because, alth-ough he is a very seriously thinking charac-ter, he has this very fun side when he kills people. He listens to Phil Collins or Katrina & The Waves, shows a nice smile and has this playful way of doing it. That fits really good with our killer profile as we want to have a killer, who pretends to be playful and zippy, but is actually a very serious and calm person like Hannibal Lecter. 
Although our killer is presented and presents himself as a not really serious and dangerously calm person, he still is an absolutely serious,intelligent and cruelly brutal character. Patrick Bateman is very inventive varied and very brutal in the ways he kills people. This spontaneity and brutality of him killing people has a lot in common with our killer.


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